
Cargo: Investigadora

I am an ecologist with a range of interest related to population ecology and conservation. Although in the past I have also worked on dispersal behaviour and behavioural ecology, at the present my research focuses mainly on feeding and foraging ecology of seabirds and other vertebrates. In addition to the use of marine resources and their interaction with fisheries, impact of introduced predators on seabirds and the proliferation of large gulls due to antropogenic activities are also in the focus of my investigations. Currently, I am also initiating researches on migration and over-wintering strategies of different bird species and their link with performance on the breeding grounds. I undertake field and laboratory studies to provide new knowledge on these ecological problems. In fact, stable isotopes and their application to animal ecology are of my central interest. I have worked at field sites all over the world: North America, Mexico, Argentinean Patagonian Coast, Southwest Australia and Mediterranean.



Nombre: JOAN
Apellidos: NAVARRO
Cargo: Investigador

My research focuses on ecology, behaviour and conservation of marine predators, with an especial interest in the their ecological roles in the marine ecosystems, their trophic relationships at the food-web level and the main ecological and evolutionary factors, including natural and human-mediated factors, that modulate their behavioural patterns, population dynamics and interspecific interactions. Moreover, a large part of the outputs generated from my work have provided valuable information for ecosystem-based management and the conservation of threatened species. I have conducted my research at different levels of ecological complexity (from species to populations and communities), working with different study models (seabirds, elasmobranchs, fin-fish and cephalopods) in marine ecosystems of contrasting biogeographical areas (template, tropical and polar environments). Additionally, I have also collaborated with colleagues working with similar interests in terrestrial ecosystems, including studies with birds, amphibians and mammals. Among the different methodologies implemented in my research I highlight the use of: stable isotopic values, bio-logging devices, ecophysiological determinations, GIS-procedures, ecosystem modelling and conventional-diet studies.



Nombre: ISABEL
Apellidos: AFÁN
Cargo: Investigador

I combine my permanent position as technician in LAST (GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory) with the development of a PhD-thesis at the Estación Biológica de Doñana. My main interests include the study of ecological indicators of the marine ecosystem driving life-history traits and distribution of marine predators. Methodologies implemented include the use of tracking instruments and oceanographic satellite data to unravel the relationship between physical oceanographic environment and distribution and phenology of seabirds. I have conducted my research in different biogeographic areas such as the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. I’m particularly interested in the spatio-temporal dynamic of oceanographic features.



Apellidos: RAMÍREZ
Cargo: Investigador

My main professional activity as a post-doctoral researcher is focused on multidisciplinary ecological studies, based on the use of stable isotope approaches, remote sensing, animal tracking, GIS, and habitat and species distribution modelling, and aimed at investigating the ecological response of wildlife (particularly in marine environments) to global-change related environmental variations, in terms of dietary shifts or changes in patterns of habitat usage, and their ultimate consequences on the reproduction and the dynamics of wild populations, or on their ultimate exposure to certain pollutants or pathogens.



Nombre: JOAN
Apellidos: GIMÉNEZ
Cargo: Investigador

PhD student at EBD-CSIC (Estación Biológica de Doñana-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). My professional experience has been focused on the ecology of marine mammals, turtles and seabirds. I obtained the bachelor degree in Animal Ecology at the University Autonomous of Barcelona (UAB) in 2009 and the Msc degree in Biodiversity and Conservation at the University of Barcelona (UB) in 2011. Since 2008, I have been involved in different research projects and campaigns related to the census of cetaceans, turtles and seabirds with CIRCE (Conservation, Information and research on Cetaceans), Nova Atlantis Foundation, PRETOMA and the Department of Animal Biology of the University of Barcelona. My main experience is in biopsy sampling, visual surveys, stable isotope analysis, environmental niche modelling and abundance estimates. In 2014, I began my PhD project about spatial and trophic ecology of top predators in the Gulf of Cádiz.